Home > Cisco & Networking Related > GNS3 0.7.1 Released (but not running on Mac OS X)

GNS3 0.7.1 Released (but not running on Mac OS X)

April 30th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

Just noticed, that GNS3 0.7.1 has been released – even with a Mac OS X version. Good Job!

According to their news several stuff has been fixed – like:

    * Qemuwrapper (option to listen on a IP/host and port).
    * Basic support for external hypervisors.
    * Some improvement for projects under GNS3 (still work to do).
    * Many small bugs fixes (graphical, cloud connection etc.)

The Dynamips exceutable in the 0.7 version for Mac was unfortunately broken (solution: Take dynamips executable from the previous 0.5 version). I wasn’t able (yet) to verify if it’s workin in this release.

But the bad information is: 0.7.1 is not running on Mac OS X right now… 🙁

GNS3 0.7.1 crash

GNS3 0.7.1 Crash

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