Home > Cisco & Networking Related, Security > Cisco VPN Client for 64bit (Vista & Windows 7) now Beta

Cisco VPN Client for 64bit (Vista & Windows 7) now Beta

February 23rd, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

It looks like there’s now a 64bit version of the cisco VPN client:

vpnclient-winx64-msi- - Vista, Windows 7 - 64bit only.

I think important to know:

The new client beta requires a kernel patch, KB952876, from Microsoft before
installing first installing the actual client.  It is also suggested that 
Service Pack 2 for Vista be installed.

REF: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/952876/en-us

VPN Client takes longer to connect on Vista compared to XP. This is due to
new features in Vista.

The Cisco VPN Client for Windows Vista and Windows 7 does NOT support 
the following:
* System upgraded from Windows XP to Vista or Windows 7 
  (clean OS installation required).
* Start Before Logon
* Integrated Firewall - See workaround below.
* InstallShield
* 64bit support
* AutoUpdate
* Translated Online Help - Provided only in English

If you are experiencing a BlueScreen on XP related to the VPN client built-in
Firewall client, please follow the workaround below.(check out release notes).

Check out the release notes for any details.

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